Is Social Science One related to Crimson Hexagon?

Social Science One is not affiliated with Crimson Hexagon. Gary King, co-chair of Social Science One, co-founded Crimson Hexagon, a social media analytics company, based on his research at Harvard University. Previously, he was chair of the Crimson Hexagon Board of Directors, but the company and Brandwatch have now merged (the new company has taken the name Brandwatch) and he is a Board Observer at the new company. Facebook recently looked into Crimson Hexagon’s social media data collection practices and customers, found that they adhere to all of Facebook’s policies, and still regularly work with the company. Crimson Hexagon, and now Brandwatch, only collects publicly available social media posts, does not collect any private social media posts, and only contracts with governments on Freedom House’s list of “free” countries.
See also: Facebook