
With leading social science research centers from around the world, we have formed a consortium to share information about models for industry-academic partnerships, learn how to access company data for social scientific research in privacy protective ways, enable the flow of information between our sectors, and simultaneously optimize the interests of academia, companies, governments, universities, regulators, and the public good. Representatives of social science research centers serve on the Social Science One Institutional Committee and provide advice about industry and governmental partnerships, staff, funding, and coordinating among, and appointing members to, the other committees.
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Institutional Committee

Todd BenDor

Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, UNC

Karen Cook

Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, Stanford University

Jeff Gill

Center for Data Science, American University

Jane Green

Nuffield Politics Research Centre, University of Oxford

Darryl J. Holman

Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, University of Washington

Hiroshi Ishida

Center for Social Research and Data Archives, University of Tokyo

Simon Jackman

United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney

David Lam

Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan

David Lazer

Network Science Institute, Northeastern University

Nolan McCarty

Data Driven Social Science Initiative, Princeton University

Jeremy Seekings

Centre for Social Science Research, University of Cape Town

Joshua Tucker

Center for Social Media and Politics, New York University

Jaeyeol Yee

Korea Social Science Data Archive, Seoul National University